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Embracing Change: A Message About Transitioning to Archy

Published on
November 23, 2024
Written by
Jonathan Rat
Jonathan Rat
CEO, Co-Founder, Archy
Embracing Change: A Message About Transitioning to Archy

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Let's have an honest conversation about change.

Change isn't just about new software – it's about evolving how your practice operates.

Change is hard. We all know it, we've all experienced it. Let me share a personal story: I used to drive a Mazda – a perfectly fine gas car that got me from point A to point B. Now I drive a Tesla that practically drives me (and yes, I can even open Archy in it). The first few times I had to let my car drive me, it was honestly scary. Giving up that control felt unnatural. But now? I don't mind traffic, I don't stress about long distances, and I arrive at my destinations more rested and focused.

Here's my question to you: would you rather be stuck with an old car that can't drive you, or embrace the future of transportation? The same principle applies to your practice management software.

Whether you're switching from an iPhone to Android or moving from Windows to Mac – that initial period of adjustment can feel uncomfortable, even frustrating. You find yourself reaching for buttons that aren't there anymore or looking for features in the wrong places.

The same applies when changing your practice management software. Perhaps even more so, because it impacts not just you, but your entire team and how your practice operates.

Here's the thing: at Archy, we're not trying to be just another dental practice management software. We're here to redefine how dental practices operate in the modern era. And yes, that means doing things differently.

If you've been doing things exactly the same way for 20 years, something's off.

I often hear folks say, "I've been using Dentrix for 20 years. I know it inside and out." I respect that experience, but let me challenge that perspective for a moment. If you've been doing things exactly the same way for 20 years, something's off. Think about it – in 2004, the iPhone didn't exist, Netflix was still mailing DVDs, and most dental offices were drowning in paper records.

The world has evolved. Your patients' expectations have evolved. Shouldn't your practice management evolve too?

We built Archy with a clear vision: to help dental practices thrive in today's environment. We understand that most practices are short-staffed, which is exactly why we focus on automation. We want your front office staff spending less time on repetitive tasks and more time providing an exceptional patient experience.

But here's where I need to be completely transparent: if you're looking for software that will let you operate exactly as you have been for the past decades, Archy might not be the right fit for your practice. And that's okay – we acknowledge it, we embrace it.

Here's a real example: A practice recently asked us to add printed appointment reminder cards. We said no. Why? Because we believe in driving truly paperless practices (dental insurance companies waste enough paper already). Your patients have smartphones and computers. They don't want another card to lose – they want digital convenience.

We're not here to replicate outdated workflows – we're here to help you build a more efficient, more patient-focused practice for the future.

At Archy, we absolutely listen to our customers, but we also stay true to our vision of modernizing dental practice operations. We're not here to replicate outdated workflows in new software. We're here to help you build a more efficient, more patient-focused practice for the future.

Just like with my Tesla, the initial adjustment period might feel uncomfortable. But once you embrace the change, you'll wonder how you ever worked any other way.

Change isn't easy, but with the right mindset, it's worth it. The question is: are you ready to evolve?
